Description Prequalified experts to advise on strategic planning, design quality and innovation in the built environment. Scope The Government Architect’s Strategy and Design Prequalification enables NSW Government agencies and statutory corporations to procure expert advice on strategic planni...
Programmed Facility Management Pty Ltd (PFM) on behalf of Public Transport Authority (PTA) for Transperth are seeking Tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to undertake Design and Construct Mount Lawley Subway Retaining works and screening at Mount Lawley Subway. The works a...
Tender DetailsTender for the Design and Construction of the Dunheved Road Upgrade Project The Project will involve widening the Dunheved Road corridor to provide two additional through lanes across the entire alignment and include additional left and right turn lanes at intersections, future bus ...
Tender DetailsTransport is seeking tenders from suitably qualified organizations to undertake Project Management Services to scope and manage the works for the Acoustic Noise Treatment Project. All tenderers must comply with the Transport Statement of Business Ethics through the procurement proce...